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Curated artists iMusician

We curate. You choose.

Share your new release with us and have a chance to be featured as our Release of the Week or Artist of the Month.

Get heard in a world of noise

We exist to create a world where everyone can be heard. Our team of highly skilled curators listens to every single release that is sent to iMusician. Each month, five of those tunes will be selected and shared with our community, where they will vote for their favorite release. The chosen artist will be interviewed and highlighted as iMusician's Artist of the Month or Release of the Week.

Every curated Artist Hub will be displayed in our catalogue and added to our playlists. Your release will be heard by thousands of followers, increasing your exposure just by participating.

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Fill out the form

Submit this form to get featured on our website and gain exposure. You need to have released with iMusician in order to share your Artist Hub.

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Our team will curate 5 releases in the first week of every month and voting will be opened to the public via iMusician's Instagram. Results will be announced 3 days after the poll.


Get heard

You will receive an email with the good news! If you didn't get it this time, you can always try next month - regardless of the result, your music will have been heard by thousands of followers!

musician on stage

Explore For Free

Join our community of half a million independent artists and labels who trust iMusician to sell and monetize their music online.

Truly Unlimited.
Your music stays online forever. No yearly or monthly fee to keep your tracks in stores.

Your Music is Safe With Us.
We're Swiss! That means no withholding tax, and no minimum payouts. You own 100% of your music copyrights.

Discover Your Potential.
Use the power of data to find out where your listeners are with our Music Analytics tool.

Break Through the Noise.
Artist Hub helps you grow your fans, get more streams and reach your goals as an artist.

Stay Free, Stay Flexible.
Switch your subscription to our free plan anytime, for as long as you need to.

Reach Fans All Over The World.
Sell and monetize your music on the widest range of shops all over the world such as Spotify, Deezer, Beatport, Amazon, Traxsource & more.

Get Playlisted.
Playlists are crucial for a successful career. Get your tracks on our lists, and increase your chances for editorial playlists.