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Everything Indie Playlist

Discover unique alternative tracks thanks to our genre-blending indie music playlist EVERYTHING INDIE.

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Everything Indie Playlist | iMusician

Although the term Indie generally speaking refers to independent music, it has turned into somewhat of an umbrella term for genres such as alternative rock or bedroom pop. Get acquainted with the versatile sound from our DIY community and beyond. Listen to our regularly updated Spotify Indie playlist!

Does your music match the sound of our playlist?

Submit your tracks through the form below to get featured and heard by our independent community and beyond.

Submit your track

What genres and subgenres can you find on our indie music playlist?

Our playlist provides you with indie-related music from a plethora of genres and subgenres, including alternative music, indie rock, alternative rock, indie pop, indie folk, shoegaze, dream pop, lo-fi, garage rock, psychedelic rock, post-punk, surf rock, bedroom pop, neo-psychedelia, synth-pop, electropop, folk-rock, experimental music from up-and-coming artists around the world.

How do you benefit from submitting to our playlist?

Visibility creates credibility. Marketing your indie music through playlist placement can help you gain more listeners and fans and make you more interesting to journalists and magazines. Our Spotify indie playlist exists to help you achieve those exact goals.

Follow Everything Indie and submit your music now!


Do you have questions when it comes to our playlist submission process?

There are no limitations! If you cannot decide which track from your release would best fit the vibe of the playlist, feel free to submit multiple tracks.

There are no limitations! In case you're not sure which playlist your track is best fit for, feel free to submit your track to multiple playlists.

We usually update our playlists once per month. If you can't find your track in the following playlist update please try it again with your next release and don't take it personally – human beings curate our playlists and you maybe haven't met the curator's taste. Since we're receiving a vast number of submissions we cannot contact you in case you're submission was unsuccessful.