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Terms of Service Subscriptions

This agreement applies to the current order of a subscription and is an addition to the General Terms of Use of holding an iMusician account.


Depending on your selection the duration of your subscription is either 1 month or 1 year.

1 month is defined as a calendar month. Example given: January 5 2023 to February 4 2023.
1 year is defined as a calendar year. Example given: January 5 2023 to January 4 2024.


As long as you have auto-renewal enabled you agree that your subscription will be automatically renewed for another period where the period remains the same as before (1 month or 1 year). Your stored payment method will automatically be charged.

You are obligated to cancel your subscription in your account before the next subscription renewal date in order to prevent unwanted charges on your payment method.

Payment methods

You agree to store a payment method (credit card or PayPal) which will be used for auto-renewals.

If your stored payment method is not valid anymore your subscription will automatically end at the end of its duration. It is required to maintain a valid payment method in order to maintain a subscription.

As long as you have promo credit in your account, it will always be used as the first method for payment and if it is not sufficient, your stored payment method will be charged for the difference.

If you enabled payments with cash credit in your account, cash credit will always be used for payment before charging your stored payment method. If the amount of cash credit is not sufficient, the difference will be charged to your stored payment method.


Subscribers can automatically accumulate loyalty rewards ('Amps') on their account which are credits which can be used as a form of payment towards eligible products. Subscribers can also purchase Amps in bulk to increase their Amp balance. Existing Amps are applied automatically towards eligible products and are used first on the largest invoice item before any available promo credit, cash credit or payment methods are applied. Amps are applied towards whole invoice items and cannot be used to partially cover an invoice item.

Amps cannot be paid out nor changed to cash credit. If you cancel your subscription or it does not renew due to issues with your payment method, any Amps present in your account will automatically expire at the end of your subscription duration.


You can upgrade your subscription to a higher tier (if available) at any time. This upgrade happens instantly and your subscription end date will be adjusted taking into account the original price you have paid and the days left in the original subscription. After the end date your subscription will automatically renew in the higher tier.


You can downgrade your subscription at any time. The downgrade will happen at the end of your current subscription duration.


You can cancel your subscription at any time by downgrading to the Free plan. The paid subscription will then not be renewed at the end of your current subscription duration.

Commission on royalties

If the selected subscription alters the commissions on royalties paid to iMusician the new commission will apply from the first full month after the start date of the subscription.


We reserve the right to add a payment fee for certain payment options or territories according to our General Terms of Use.


We can not issue refunds for subscriptions that have already started.