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How To Add Synced Lyrics To Spotify, Instagram, Apple Music & More

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Learn how to add real-time synced lyrics to Spotify, Instagram Stories, Shazam, Amazon Music, Tidal and more all in one go with the free service Musixmatch.

At this point, you had to have seen them on some Spotify tracks or on Instagram stories. Real-time lyrics are an engaging new feature that most streaming and download platforms as well as social media offer artists to better connect with their fans.

So how do you add and sync your lyrics on all these platforms?

The good news is they all use the same service called Musixmatch. In this video, you will learn how to verify your artist profile on Musixmatch and how to add and sync your lyrics so they will be displayed in real-time on Spotify, Instagram, Apple Music, Shazam, Tidal, Facebook live videos, and Tidal.

⚠️ You will need a premium Spotify account to verify your lyrics on Musixmatch.

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