Bordas is the recent solo project by musician, producer, and beatmaker Bruno dal Piccolo. Leaning into the simple, spontaneous, and homemade elements of bedroom production, Bordas fuses his lo-fi pop aesthetic with references of post-punk, synthwave, hip-hop, and jazz to create a singular sound all his own.
We talked to Bruno about the production process of his first platform release: 'Balance'. Produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Bordas, with cover art by Luana Penzo, aka Lulupe (@honeyigloo).
Can you tell us about your inspirations and creative process for 'Balance'?
'Balance' was a song written and recorded all in one day. I recorded all the instruments at home in a very simple and improvised way. Although it's a fast song, I like the way it transitions between textures and fuses two very different moments that talk to each other: the first seems like a band playing and the second a very minimalist beat. At the time I was listening to a lot of Standing on the Corner, one of my favorite bands I would say. I think it was a great reference for this song, which made me drop the others that I was working on and release the edge.
The lyrics don't mean much, I don't like to write, I just sing after finishing the instrumental and some melody and leave the message with my subconscious. I think in the end the message is about seeking balance and feeling a slight fear of being alone.
The audio that ends the song was a character created by a friend who was living with me, spending the whole day near bedtime. We have this pyre of creating characters to express something. I know it. I liked it, I beat some chords on the guitar and recorded him talking on my cell phone.
What do you have planned for 2021?
For the edges, releasing the songs that are shelved and working on a new EP. Releasing some clips is also in the plans.
Watch the videos of the Bordas project on the Caco Phony channel. For more tracks by Bruno, check out his SoundCloud.
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