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What is Beatport Exclusive?

iMusician allows you to set an exclusivity period (of 2/4/8 weeks + Lifetime) where Beatport is the only download store available for a release. Beatport exclusive releases are highlighted with a tag and have a higher price point than non-exclusives. After the exclusive period is over, the tag will be automatically removed by Beatport.

What do you need to do in order to activate it?

Select Beatport as the unique download shop you want to deliver your release to*. As soon as your release is confirmed, drop us a message about:

  • ​How long you want the exclusivity to last (2/4/8 weeks or Lifetime)​
  • Which shops you want your release to be delivered to after the Exclusive is over​

As soon as the selected exclusivity period is over, we will make sure to distribute your release to the missing shops, according to your preferences. Please note that Beatport Exclusive is only possible if Beatport is the only download store*.

*Beatport allows distribution on certain platforms in parallel to the exclusivity. You can find the list of authorized platforms here.